The AD 2000-Merkbltter are prepared by the seven associationslisted below who together form the ArbeitsgemeinschaftDruck-behlter (AD). The structure and the application of the AD2000 Code and the procedural guidelines are covered by AD2000-Merk-blatt G 1.
Ad 2000 Merkblatt S1 Pdf Download
The AD 2000-Merkbltter contain safety requirements to be metunder normal operating conditions. If above-normal loadings are tobe expected during the operation of the pressure vessel, this shallbe taken into account by meeting special requirements.
If there are any divergences from the requirements of this AD2000-Merkblatt, it shall be possible to prove that the standard ofsafety of this Code has been maintained by other means, e.g. bymaterials testing, tests, stress analysis, operatingexperience.
0 Foreword The AD 2000 Code can be applied to satisfy the basicsafety requirements of the Pressure Equipment Directive,principally for the conformity assessment in accordance withmodules G and B + F. The AD 2000 Code is structured along the linesof a self-contained concept. If other technical rules are used inaccordance with the state of the art to solve related prob-lems, itis assumed that the overall concept has been taken into account.The AD 2000 Code can be used as appropriate for other modules ofthe Pressure Equipment Directive or for differ-ent sectors of thelaw. Responsibility for testing is as specified in the provisionsof the relevant sector of the law.
1 Scope This AD 2000-Merkblatt deals with the requirements forsupervision in welding and the qualification test to be passed bywelders as conditions which have to be met in the manufacture ofwelded pressure vessels or pressure vessels components.
2.1.3 The welding supervisor's tasks and responsibilities aregiven in DIN EN ISO 14731. The welding supervisor shall ensure thatthe relevant provisions in the HP series of AD 2000-Merkbltter areadhered to.
AD 2000-Merkbltter are protected by Copyright. The rights ofuse, particularly of any translation, reproduction, extract offigures, transmission by photomechanical means and storage in dataretrieval Systems, even of extracts, are reserved to the author.Carl Heymanns Verlag has taken all reason-able measures to ensurethe accuracy of this translation but regrets that no responsibilitycan be accepted for any error, omission or inaccuracy. In cases ofdoubt or dispute, the latest edition of the German text only isvalid. w
The AD 2000-Merkbltter are prepared by the seven associationslisted below who together form the ArbeitsgemeinschaftDruck-behlter (AD). The structure and the application of the AD2000 Code and the procedural guidelines are covered by AD2000-Merk-blatt G 1. The AD 2000-Merkbltter contain safetyrequirements to be met under normal operating conditions. Ifabove-normal loadings are to be expected during the operation ofthe pressure vessel, this shall be taken into account by meetingspecial requirements. If there are any divergences from therequirements of this AD 2000-Merkblatt, it shall be possible toprove that the standard of safety of this Code has been maintainedby other means, e.g. by materials testing, tests, stress analysis,operating experience.
Supersedes August 2007 edition; Amendments to previous editionAD 2000-Merkbltter are protected by copyright. The rights of use,particularly of any translation, reproduction, extract of figures,transmission by photomechanical means and storage in data retrievalsystems, even of extracts, are reserved to the author. Beuth Verlaghas taken all reasonable measures to ensure the accuracy of thistranslation but regrets that no responsibility can be accepted forany error, omission or inaccuracy. In cases of doubt or dispute,the latest edition of the German text only is valid.
0 Foreword The AD 2000 Code can be applied to satisfy the basicsafety requirements of the Pressure Equipment Directive,principally for the conformity assessment in accordance withmodules G and B F. The AD 2000 Code is structured along the linesof a self-contained concept. If other technical rules are used inaccordance with the state of the art to solve related problems, itis assumed that the overall concept has been taken intoaccount.
The AD 2000 Code can be used as appropriate for other modules ofthe Pressure Equipment Directive or for different sectors of thelaw. Responsibility for testing is as specified in the provisionsof the relevant sector of the law.
1 Scope This AD 2000-Merkblatt applies to the design of boltingwhich as a non-positive connecting element is predominantlysubjected to static tension. Additional loads due to thermalinfluences e.g. local or temporary thermal gradients, differentthermal expansion coefficients and the like or external forces(e.g. from connecting pipe work) are not covered by this AD2000-Merkblatt and should be considered separately1) ifrequired.
2.5 In the case of standardized pipe flanges the bolts aredeemed to meet these requirements if number and diameter complywith the relevant pipe flange standard and the permissible servicetemperature for these flanges is not exceeded. For designtemperatures higher than 120 C and materials specified in thestandards, the permissible operating pressure shall be reducedaccording to the decrease of the yield strength. This applies,however, to materials to AD 2000-Merkblatt W 7 only. Highertemperatures can also be considered by using materials with anaccordingly higher yield point.
2.11 Material combinations for bolts and nuts serving aspressure-containing elements for connection with the relevantflange materials can be evaluated in accordance with DIN EN 1515,Parts 1 to 4. In doing so, the specifications given in AD2000-Merkbltter W 7 and W 9 shall be taken into consideration.
3 Symbols and units In addition to AD 2000-Merkblatt B 0 thefollowing applies: bD effective width of gasket in mm c5 designallowance for rigidly connected bolts in mm dK root diameter ofbolt thread in mm dS shaft diameter of a bolt in mm n number ofbolts AD area in compression in mm
These temperature differences consider the decreasedtemperatures in the case of insulated bolted connections. Furtherreduction without extra proof of the bolt temperature is notacceptable even for bolted flange connections without insulationoperating at lower temperatures which produce higher thermalstresses in the bolted connection though the bolt temperature islower. For permissible service temperatures below 10 C refer to AD2000-Merkblatt W 10.
I. Auf die am 14. März 2001 unter Inanspruchnahme einer deutschen Priorität vom 22. März 2000 eingereichte europäische Patentanmeldung Nr. 01921186.1 wurde das europäische Patent Nr. 1 268 119 mit 12 Ansprüchen erteilt. 2ff7e9595c