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Go Math Grade 4 Answer Key for Homework: Tips and Tricks to Ace Your Assignments


Looking at the other answer, its computer-generated list does show that there are no solutions for the last digit set to 1 (but there are some for 2). I can't think off the top of my head how to quickly eliminate the last-digit-1 branch, so if you instead start by using the lowest available digit as the default value, you'll probably be in a world of frustration for quite a while. There are also only two solution for the last digit 2, while the rest of 30 solutions are for 4 or 5 as last digit. So maybe there is some room for rational improvement to my method... like somehow inferring that 4 or 5 as last digit could/would yield a lot more solutions than 1 or 2 do, but I can't say right now how to infer that without actually trying-cases/backtracking; a proof of that without using backtracking might involve Ramsey theory... which would obviously be way inaccessible for the 2nd grade.

  • Previous Announcements: Math 1451-008, Calculus I, Spring 20124/24/2012: The next webwork is assigned. WW09 is due Friday by 11:00 p.m.

  • If you haven't checked them yet, the exam 4 grades on up onblackboard. I did end up curving exam 4 somewhat. Your gradeis out of 25 points (instead of 28). This is shown in the"exam 4 curved" column on blackboard.

  • Don't forget about exam 5 coming up on Monday 4/30 in class. It covers sections 4.6, 4.7, and 5.1 through 5.5. We did mostof 5.5 today and will finish it off on Wednesday.

  • 4/13/2012: I have posted the next webwork assignment(WW08) and the next written assignment (HW05) in the homework sectionbelow. These are both due next Friday, 4/20.

  • 4/11/2012: I have posted solutions to written HW04below so you will have them for your exam 4 studying. Don't forgetexam 4 is THIS FRIDAY and covers sections 3.7, 3.8, and 4.1 through4.5 in the textbook.

  • 4/4/2012: I have added lecture notes for chapter 5below. We should start chapter 5 today (Wednesday). Don't forget that Exam 4 iscoming up on Friday 4/13/2012 .Exam 4 will cover sections 3.7, 3.8, and 4.1 through 4.5.

  • 3/24/2012: As you probably saw in email, the currentwebwork (WW06) is now due on Monday 3/26. Don't forget the written assignment, which is also do Monday (in class).I have also posted the next webwork, WW07. It covers sections 4.4and 4.5 and is due Friday 3/30.

  • 3/18/2012: I hope everyone had a good spring break! I have been out of town over the break, so I plan to returnExam 3 on Wednesday 3/21.

  • The next webwork, WW06, is posted. WW06 will be due Friday3/23/2012.

  • The next written homework, HW04, is posted. HW04 will be duein class on Monday 3/26/2012.

  • The chapter 4 lecture notes (which we started last Friday)are posted below.

  • 3/6/2012: Don't forget Exam 3 this Wednesday 3/7! Itcovers sections 3.1 through 3.6. Homework 3 (written) solutions are posted below in the homeworksection.

  • 2/26/2012: In case you haven't seen them yet, exam 2 grades are availableon Blackboard.

  • The next Webwork and written homework are now posted. See thehomework section below for details.

  • Exam 3 is already coming up fast. Note that there is a typo inthe syllabus. The exam is on Wednesday, 3/7.

  • 2/15/2012: Don't forget exam 2 on Friday 2/17. The exam covers chapter 2 material. See my email from earlier today with information on office hoursThursday.

  • 2/10/2012: I have posted the chapter 3 notes below. Weshould start Chapter 3 today or Monday. (More likely Monday.)

  • 2/9/2012: The new webwork and written homework are both postedbelow in the Homework section. Both are due Wednesday, 2/15, by 3:00(in class for the written assignment).

  • 2/7/2012: I have posted grades to blackboard. On theblackboard (webct) page, you should be able to see your homework 1score (out of 20 pts) and your exam 1 scores. For exam 1, there arecolumns for your written part score (out of 8 pts), your multiplechoice score (out of 12 pts), and your total score (written + 2 timesMC; so out of 32 pts), and your percent grade.Blackboard/webct can be accessed at usingyour eRaider login and password. Also, see the new sections added below. They include links toblackboard, exam solutions, information on your grades.I have also decided to post the typed part of my lecture notes. I will include lecture notes here chapter by chapter and willgenerally post them shortly before we start each new chapter. These are the basic typed slides that I start with. You will still need totake notes on anything else done in class such as clarifyinginformation, filling in definitions and details, correcting typos inthe slides, as well as any examples we do.

  • 2/6/2012: Here are solutions to the multiple choiceproblems. I'll put all four version of the exam, but the problemsdiffered only in order, not in content. (I will also postsolutions to the written problems shortly. But I wanted to get this upright away so you can check how you did. With luck I'll also havegrades available through Blackboard soon, but that is not workingyet.) Exam 1 Version A

  • Exam 1 Version B

  • Exam 1 Version C

  • Exam 1 Version D

  • 2/6/2012: If you disagree with the grading on anyassignments that have been returned, please use thisRegrade Request Form.Please fill out the form, staple it to your assignment, and giveit to me in class or during office hours (or in my mailbox if you let meknow that you've put it there).

  • 2/2/2012: Don't forget that we have Exam 1 tomorrow (Friday) in class. Be sure to bring an orange scantron with you. You also need anumber 2 pencil to fill out the scantron. Exam 1 covers chapter 1 in the textbook. You should be able to see answers for the webwork assignmentnow that it is closed (WW01). You can also see answers for the optional webwork problems I posted if you want additional problems to study. I have also posted solutions to the written homework problems (below in the homework section).

  • The next webwork (WW02) is open on the webwork system. Thisassignment is due next Wednesday, 2/8, and covers material from2.1 and 2.2.

  • There will be no written homework assignment due next week. Justthe webwork.

  • 1/31/2012: I have posted solutions for the writtenassignment HW01 below in the homework section. I will post the next homework assignments shortly.

  • 1/28/2012: There are a few minutes worth of topics that I did not get to on Friday that affect the first webwork assignment. So I am changing the due date of first webwork, WW01. It will be due at 3:00 p.m. on Wednesday 2/1. That should also give a little extra time for figuring out webwork and for students who added the class recently.

  • Note that the written homework, HW01, is STILL DUE MONDAY as assigned. (And again, be sure to read the written homework rules in the syllabus before you turn it in.) I will be posting solutions to the assignment on Monday evening, so I cannot accept late homework.

  • Also note that Exam 1 will still be on Friday 2/3 in class . (You need to bring a scantron form -- the orange one. For written problems, you will write directly on the exam, so no bluebooks are necessary.) Exam 1 will be over chapter 1.

  • I have put some practice problems on the webwork system to help you with studying for the exam. They are listed as Practice Problems for Chapter 1. They will not be graded and are completely optional. The answers to these problems are already available. I recommend trying the problems without seeing the answers first, but whenever you want to see them, you can just check the "Show Answers" button and when you check your answer, it will also tell you the correct answer. Answers to the WW01 assignment problems will become available shortly after the assignment is due. And I will post solutions to the written homework.

  • 1/25/2012: Here are a couple of comments that have come up on the currentwebwork assignment WW01:Problem 4: this one does require a calculator for the laststep. Your answer will be the arccosine of a number. It will not beone that you can figure out from the unit circle. You can just use acalculator to get the final answer. (If I asked a similarquestion on an exam, I would rig it so that you would not need acalculator.)

  • Problem 13: the answer format is a little odd on this one.They want you to enter the bounds of the interval in the inner(larger) blanks, and the kind of interval (open or closed) in theouter (smaller) two blanks. So for example, if the answer to one ofthe intervals was (-3,5], you would enter:

  • ( -3 5 ] ---- ---------- ---------- ---The Math Department's tutoring center opens today. It is a placewhere you can go and ask homework questions or get other tutoring. Thetutoring is free. You get find information on the TutoringCenter and other tutoring resources (including paid tutors) atthis tutoring resources link.

  • I have scheduled my office hours for the semester. They areMondays 10:30 to 12:00 and Thursdays 2:00 to 3:00.

  • 1/20/2012: Welcome to Math 1451-008.Important announcements will be posted here. Please check this page frequently.

  • I have posted the first webwork and written homeworkassignments below. Both assignments are due by the beginning of classon Monday 1/30.

  • A portion of your homework with be through the online homeworksystem Webwork. There is information on Webwork including the URL andhow to log on in the homework section below. Please try logging on towebwork as soon as possible to make sure you don't have any problemsaccessing the assignments.

go math grade 4 answer key for homework


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